The Elephant Sanctuary
Located in Tennessee, The Elephant Sanctuary
is the nation's largest natural habitat refuge for old, sick,
abused, or unwanted elephants. The heffalumps are cared for by
an on-site veterinarian in state-of-the-art facilities. When
they're healthy enough, the elephants are encouraged to forage,
and live off, the sanctuary's 2,700 acres.
TES is non-profit, and closed to the public:
after decades of inhumane living conditions at roadside circuses
and shopping mall parking lots, the sanctuary founders feel that
it's time to let the elephants be elephants again, with as little
human interference as possible. You can visit all the Sanctuary
elephants online, and when you donate, you'll be kept up to date
on all the happenings with the Sanctuary newsletter.
Heffalumps eat a lot, so please click on www.elephants.com and give generously.